#1 – July 8th, 2024

My new thing as of late is taking myself on a 35-min ride to get my groceries from a place called World Market (its real name is Mega Market but I used to love World Market back when I was at Folsom Lake College which was 45 minutes from Sacramento). It’s no Trader Joe’s but more like Costco (another place I liked to shop at) so regardless of the decisions paralysis the shopping experience causes, I was over the moon whenever I went.

Having lived in Central Vietnam for 2 years, I feel like I’ve barely scraped the surface of this part of Vietnam. The odd thing is, I’m not one that has to go see and check out all these places whenever I live in a new city. My routine is more like getting settled, checking out their grocery store to locate there nearest Trader Joe’s, Target and Costco, gas stations, nail salon, Starbucks (if all fails, I’d go to the good ol’ trusty Philz), comfort food spots, etc. with a goal to make them my third places. When I lived in the U.S, these places were the anchors to my physical reality. They are what have maintained my equilibrium and keep me sane, without them, I’m uncertain I would have made it thus far and be here making a blog.